20230326_A_(Words are very unnecessary)_256colors.gif

1 thought on “20230326_A_(Words are very unnecessary)_256colors.gif”

  1. So, on this one I used ChatGPT (whichever version is current rn) to generate an OBJ file.

    An .obj is an old and standard 3D geometry definition file format, it’s basically just a index of numbers that define points in space.

    Messing with ChatGPT yesterday it occurred to me that maybe it could make a 3D model. After all, a geometry definition file format, it’s just a text list of numbers.

    I asked ChatGPT if it could define the points in space of a cube and then list them for me to copy/paste into a text doc. ChatGPT happily created what I asked for and even told me how to copy/paste the data into a text file and then save it as an obj.

    That’s exactly what I did. Renamed the .txt file to .obj, and imported it into Max. There it was, a perfect 1″x1″x1″ cube.

    “ChatGPT, can you make a flower next? Any flower, your choice”.

    I didn’t save the conversation unfortunately, but ChatGPT coughed up what it said was a higher resolution flower. Except, when I imported this AI created masterpiece into Max it was just a messy blob. ChatGPT must have learned the coordinate 3D points in space for a cube. I haven’t tried anything else.

    Thinking I must be exceptionally brilliant, I looked on the internet to confirm that I was the only human being to ever attempt to make ChatGPT build a 3D model. Already a few attempts and all seem to have the same results. I haven’t looked too deeply into it, so who knows what the other AI’s are coming up with.

    Here’s the .obj it made:

    I cleaned up ChatGPT’s flower geometry and used it to make the above animation.

    Went back today and asked it to try some other objects. A pyramid was fine, cylinder was a fail:

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